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Ilmo Lounasmaa
Founder, Chairman

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Latest blog entries Revolutionizing Audio Assistance for Heavy Machinery Speaking AI audio assistants for heavy machinery.


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Founded: 2024

We are thrilled to announce the launch of, a groundbreaking startup focused on developing AI-powered audio assistants for heavy machinery. Co-founded by an experienced team of tech and business leaders, along with Softlandia as founding shareholders, is set to transform the way operators interact with industrial equipment. The vision of the company - is to enable  a new era in human-machine interaction- makes us all very exited.

Our Journey So Far

The inception of was made possible through close collaboration between our founding members and the Softlandia team. We are delighted to share that our initial pre-seed funding round has successfully closed, enabling us to move forward at full speed.

"Building a tech startup is a complex process, with many moving parts," says Joonas Koivuniemi, CEO and Co-founder of "However, thanks to the dedication of our founders, Joonas Natalia and Juha, along with our chairman Pertti Aimonen, the journey so far has been remarkably smooth."

From establishing the legal entity to managing financial planning and accounting, every aspect of our startup's formation has been handled with professionalism and efficiency. This success is a testament to the hard work and commitment of everyone involved.

The whole process took from idea to successful launch, including initial funding, about four months. The first discussions were opened in February, and the team was operational at the end of May.

Key Principles for Success

Launching a new venture is always a unique experience, but certain principles are universally important. Here are the key values that we believe have been crucial to our success:

1. The Power of Teamwork

Success is built on the strength of the team. It's essential to ensure that the team is competent, committed, and driven by a growth mindset. At, we emphasize collaboration and clear communication to align expectations, roles, and joint ownership strategies. When Softlandia is involved in a project, we become an integral part of the team, working alongside the founders to achieve shared goals.

2. Culture of Trust

Building a successful company is a long journey, filled with unexpected turns and challenges. A culture of trust, fostered through open communication and mutual respect, is vital. Trust allows us to grow together and tackle challenges head-on.

3. Execution and Agility

Results matter. Our team is committed to executing our plans effectively, regardless of the obstacles we encounter. This requires creativity, grit, and the ability to adapt. Agility in strategy and operations is essential to succeed in the tech industry.

4. Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is about more than just personal development; it's about how we, as a team, respond to feedback and take responsibility. Successful startups evolve, and so do the roles within them. At, we are committed to continuous learning and adaptation.

5. Scalable Strategy and Business Concept

While a strong idea is crucial, it's important to recognize that the original concept may need to evolve. Success often requires redefining and scaling the idea based on real-world experiences. At, we are prepared to pivot as needed to achieve our vision.

Join Us on Our Journey

Meet the team on LinkedIn and follow our page for updates. If you're interested in learning more about our vision or exploring opportunities to collaborate as a founder, investor, or partner, please reach out to the Softlandia team at

More information about Softlandia Venture Studio.

We look forward to beginning this exciting journey together!

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